
How To Repair Guitar Cab Grill

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Damnit - Grill Cloth Tear... What to practise?

  • Thread starter Miles
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  • #1
Is this a deal-breaker or just character?

Talk me out of selling this amp for a grill material tear. My other amps are all crush up, just this one's a "pristine" amp. It's like, you don't care when you become another dent in your one-time 4x4, but when your lexus gets a dent...

Your advice please.

  • #2
IDGI, you desire to sell because of the tear?
  • #3
Keep information technology if y'all similar the fashion it sounds - now yous can find your Mesa Express in the backline of amps. After a while if information technology still bugs you, get it re-grill clothed. Mesa will sell that to you, and a good amp tech can do the work, or if your handy...
  • #4
Information technology'due south horrible. You'll not get much for it now. I'll have it off your hands, and since I'thou such a stand up guy, I'll requite you lot $50 to embrace the shipping...
  • #5
Or you can sell information technology for more crusade it's relic'd!

Keep it and play it, the outset one is always the worst. Now you don't have to worry and when it gets so bad you tin can't stand information technology anymore go it regrilled. Possibly become the material now in case it gets discontinued.

  • #6
Is this a deal-breaker or just character?

Talk me out of selling this amp for a grill cloth tear. My other amps are all crush up, simply this one's a "pristine" amp. It's like, y'all don't care when you become another dent in your former 4x4, but when your lexus gets a dent...

Your advice please.


Dude. Take the grill cloth off and replace it with a groovy tie-dye i!
  • #8
If you like the amp and plan on keeping it, I say cover it yourself. I did it for the beginning time yesterday using Aida fabric. Sounds and looks bully (see here: You might simply like it better!

That'due south a pretty awesome chore! I am not handy like y'all.

Will the front cloth just unscrew using those 4 visible in the photo? Can Mesa supersede that assembly? I usually don't fret cosmetic stuff like blemishes and such just this tear does bother me quite a bit. Specially since the amp is pretty new.

  • #ix
fer chrisakes the material is there to protect the speaker, and it's all the same doing that quite well. Only play the hell out of the amp and enjoy information technology. You don't even accept to worry about the first blemish anymore......
  • #10
It takes similar 30 minutes and twenty bucks to replace the grillcloth. Just unscrew the baffle, rip it off and staple the new stuff. So not worth selling an amp over. Hell, put something funky on there, I've never been a big blackness tolex with black cloth kinda guy.

You actually don't need to be handy to supercede grillcloth. I mean seriously, if yous can operate a manus screwdrive screwdriver and a staple gun you are gilded.

Last edited:
  • #11
Information technology takes like 30 minutes and xx bucks to supplant the grillcloth. Just unscrew the baffle, rip it off and staple the new stuff. So non worth selling an amp over. Hell, put something funky on there, I've never been a large black tolex with black cloth kinda guy.

You really don't need to be handy to supercede grillcloth. I mean seriously, if you lot can operate a paw screwdrive screwdriver and a staple gun you are gilt.

Exactly right. My wife actually installed the grill cloth. She only ironed it and stapled information technology tight.

Btw, cool area code there, ledzep. The 618 rawks!

  • #13
A reason to get rid of a Mesa?
A approving in disguise... :banana
  • #14
Even a person with 2 left hands can repair that one. Remove with the 4 screws, pull out staples, remove torn cloth, replace with something even cooler, staple information technology dorsum on the same fashion it came off. The piping effectually the edge is just stapled on too. The only thing I see that might requite y'all trouble is the nameplate. If those are screws holding it on so there is no trouble at all, it those are nails then you will probably wreck that getting it off and volition take to club a new one from Mesa to supplant it with. The hardest part is keeping it straight and pulling information technology just tight enough while stapling it and that really isn't that difficult. Sometimes it helps to staple 1 side get-go then wrap the other free finish around a 1X1 slice of wood or something like to help pull information technology over the baffle evenly with one paw while yous staple with the other. Really dude, this is one you lot won't need a tech for. This is a skillful reason to spiff up your amp. It's no large deal at all. Irresolute the strings on your guitar is harder than this.
  • #xv
I don't think I accept EVER heard anyone say that they bought a particular amp considering the grill cloth was pristine. "Hey- how does the grill cloth look on that Tweed Bassman?" vs "How does that Tweed Bassman sound?".

What matters more than?



Listens to Johnny Marr, plays like John Denver
  • #16
It stinks beingness the first 1 to mess upwards your gear. But on the other hand, just think of information technology every bit you lot being the start in the long lineage of gear users, and long after you're gone someone out there volition romanticize how it happened. For instance, on my Pro Reverb, I just wonder why a man being murdered would exit his encarmine handprint on the grillcloth correct earlier his expiration:
  • #17
It stinks being the first ane to mess up your gear. Just on the other hand, just think of it as you existence the first in the long lineage of gear users, and long subsequently you lot're gone someone out at that place will romanticize how it happened. For instance, on my Pro Reverb, I just wonder why a human being beingness murdered would get out his encarmine handprint on the grillcloth correct before his expiration:

Plot Twist: You murdered the previous owner for the amp


Listens to Johnny Marr, plays similar John Denver
  • #18
Just telephone call it The Sixth Sense.
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How To Repair Guitar Cab Grill,


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