As a homeowner you empathise the importance of having a sturdy roof that you tin rely on. After all it has to protect your family and personal belongings. Unfortunately, over fourth dimension every roof needs some care and attending. It is helpful for you to empathize when to repair, patch, or supplant your roof.

General Warning Signs

Make certain you pay attention to these warning signs every bit they help you determine if you need to repair, patch or replace your roof.

  • Curling, cracked or missing shingles
  • Discoloration, moss or algae
  • Rot
  • Shingle granules in gutters
  • Visible sunlight from the attic
  • Indoor leaks
  • Sagging roof

Roof historic period can exist an of import cistron as well. Depending on the roof and shingle blazon, a roof can require repairs or replacement if it's 20 years or older.

When to Repair or Patch Your Roof

The bad news is, every roof needs to exist replaced eventually. The good news is, sometimes it's possible for it to go patched or repaired. If there'due south only minor impairment to your roof or if simply a small-scale area is affected, there'south no need to replace the whole roof prematurely. A fallen branch can cause impairment to a few shingles and air current can atomic number 82 to some missing shingles. In both situations it makes sense to have the roof fixed, which is relatively easy and cheap. Even if your roof is leaking information technology might be possible to get information technology patched. That is, every bit long as it only leaks from 1 isolated spot.

When to Replace Your Roof

Equally previously mentioned, age is ane of the about common reasons a roof needs to be replaced. If you lot notice a large amount of missing shingles and shingle debris clogging the gutters, there'due south no doubt it's time to supercede your roof. Are your shingles curling at the edges or are they significantly discolored? These are sure signs of turn down to your roof. The one thing yous should be concerned about almost is a sagging roof every bit this points to a structural issue.

Merely a well-maintained roof in good condition tin can protect your family and property from rain, wind and hail. Contact Landmark Roofing for a professional person roof inspection today, 443-223-7453 .